Welcome to the Lancashire Association of Local Councils (LALC)

LALC was formed in 1944 and is an independent organisation representing the interests of Parish & Town Councils in Lancashire, Merseyside, and Greater Manchester. The Lancashire Association also incorporates the Merseyside Association of Parish & Town Councils.

It is governed by an Executive Committee, comprising the President, Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Atkins, Vice Presidents, Chairman, Vice Chairman, and representatives elected by each Area Committee. The AGM is held each year in November.

LALC is represented on several committees and groups, including the North West Federation of Town and Parish Councils, which comprises the county associations of Cheshire, Lancashire, Merseyside, and Cumbria.

The aim of the Association is to offer support to member councils to help them achieve the highest standards of Local Government, to offer training and to represent the first tier of local government as widely as possible.

Updates and information is regularly distributed to members through the news and documents section on this website, through area meetings, direct email contact or our social media routes which you can find on our contact page.

LALC is affiliated to the National Association of Local Councils (NALC), which gives members access to legal and policy advice. The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer attend relevant events which provide updates on policy and provide networking opportunities with other County Associations.

LALC is represented on a number of bodies including:

  • NALC Council Member
  • Northern Regional Group of Parish Councils
  • North West Federation of Parish and Town Councils

Latest News

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