
Infrastructure Levy consultation - NALC response

29th of March, 2023

NALC will be responding to the DLUHC consultation on the new Infrastructure Levy 

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Government consultation on 'permitted development rights'

27th of March, 2023

NALC will be responding to the following DLHUC consultation on permitted development which you can find here: 

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Open spaces and paths: a new guide to protection

24th of March, 2023

OPEN SPACES SOCIETY OPEN SPACES AND PATHS: A NEW GUIDE TO PROTECTION Introducing a new guide to help local councils protect precious green spaces and paths, Kate Ashbrook, general secretary of ...

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NALC Update on use of 'Council' email addresses

24th of March, 2023

Use of councillor email addresses We have advised on scenarios where councils have resolved that all councillors and staff use council emails addresses and some councillors refused to use the council email address. Our advice was that a ...

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No powers to provide commercial bus services

24th of March, 2023

Powers to provide commercial bus services NALC have had a few requests about council powers to provide bus services. Councils have specific powers to provide community bus services, defined in legislation. What about commercial bus servi...

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