Local government reorganisation: Policy and programme updates: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/local-government-reorganisation-policy-and-programme-updates
LGA Devolution and local government reorganisation FAQs and glossary: https://www.local.gov.uk/our-support/devolution-hub/devolution-and-local-government-reorganisation-faqs-and-glossary
LGA The devolution and LG reorganisation hub: https://www.local.gov.uk/topics/devolution/devolution-and-lg-reorganisation-hub
“This government has been clear on our vision for simpler, more sustainable, local government structures, alongside a transfer of power out of Westminster through devolution.”
Read full document here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/local-government-reorganisation-invitation-to-local-authorities-in-two-tier-areas/letter-lancashire-blackburn-and-blackpool
Each of the Districts is to submit by the deadline of 21st March 2025 its "interim" plans to the Government. The full proposal by 28 November 2025. When these have all been submitted by the districts we can collate here.
It is suggested that in our region “Type B – a single tier of local authority covering an area that is currently a district, or two or more districts”. Meaning a few districts will group together and possibly create 4 unitary councils across the whole of Lancashire.
Each of the Districts is to submit by the deadline of 21st March 2025 its "interim" plans to the Government. The full proposal by 28 November 2025.
National Government – Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)
NALC & LALC for Local Parish & Town Councils
Local Government Association (LGA)
Lancashire Combined County Authority (LCCA)
Lancashire County Council
12 Borough/District Councils
Blackburn with Darwen Unitary and Blackpool Unitary
Parish & Town Councils will be the first tier of local government left in regions under the Unitary Council.
When the district council is dissolved/merged into a Unitary Council then assets may be offered to the Parish & Town Council sector for more hands-on local management.
Parish & Town Councils will become more valuable to local residents as they will no longer have a district council level to look to.
Looking for opportunities which may be offered to the sector from the district council.
Form a plan for its Parish or Town Councils future development.
Parish & Town Councils could lobby its district in advance if there are specific assets or services it wishes to be devolved to them.
Near-term and ongoing facilitation, representation of our sector in the process.
Maintain LALCs website with up-to-date information and links to background information or developments.
Facilitate and assimilate the key opportunities, issues and asks of LALCs Members.
Representation at sector meetings involving LCC, Districts, Unitaries and others.
Negotiate with new Unitary Authorities/LCCA, Mayor and MHCLG.